You Do Not Have To Handle Your Insurance Coverage Dispute Alone
Finding the right insurance policy is a tedious process filled with complex legal language to interpret. Even when you have picked a policy you are comfortable with, you may not be sure of what your coverage includes until a certain cost arises and you find yourself struggling to pay for it. It could be that your insurance company failed to live up to its promises, or that you were simply not well-informed at the time of your purchase.
Attempting to resolve disagreements with your insurance company can quickly evolve into a legal dispute. When this happens, it is important to have a skilled attorney by your side who can protect your interests and tackle the issues effectively.
Seasoned Attorney Ready For Any Insurance Coverage Matter
David Dorenfeld of DorenfeldLaw, Inc., in Southern California is an experienced insurance litigator who is ready to handle any aspect of contract interpretation and coverage disputes.
Not only does our firm’s founder represent individual clients facing disputes with insurance companies, but he also serves as an insurance defense attorney to various insurance companies. This means he understands insurance disputes from both sides, and is well-versed on the underlying issues that lead to such disputes, including business-related conflicts, health insurance coverage, real estate disputes and more.
You can rely on our legal team to handle your insurance claim with skill and integrity, as well as commitment to your individual needs and concerns.
Discuss Your Insurance Coverage Issues With Us
Navigating disputes leading to insurance litigation can be overwhelming when attempted on your own. Let our firm handle your case. From our office in Agoura Hills, we serve clients throughout Los Angeles. Secure your free initial consultation by completing our intake form or calling 888-678-5933.